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Forms and Rates

Please note that original forms are no longer required to process new account applications or transactions. We will accept completed scanned or faxed copies.

Custody and Corporate Trust

CGS information

For the CWB Prime rate and USD Prime rate, please visit here.


Account applications
Print your form as a PDF and save the file to your computer. Submit via email to [email protected]. Please ensure the following is included:
  1. Intention – what you plan to invest in
  2. Void cheque (per Section 8)
  3. Wet signature and date  (three are required: two in Section 8, one in Section 9)
  4. Valid government-issued photo ID

Corporate Investment Account Application

Individual Investment Account Application

New Account Application

Tax Free Savings Account Application

Beneficiary designation
CWeb access forms
Fee payments

Online contributions and fee payments

We are pleased to bring the convenience of online banking for registered* account contributions and fee payments! 

This service is available to customers of the following institutions: 

  • Canadian Western Bank
  • Bank of Montreal
  • Canadian imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)
  • Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
  • Scotiabank
  • Toronto-Dominion (TD) Bank
  • Participating Credit Unions across Canada

*Eligible accounts include RRSP and TFSA only. Annuitants will not be able to contribute to a Locked-In Account or a RRIF.

How to use this service

CWB Trust Services clients now have the ability to sign onto their banking institution's website and add CWT as a 'bill payee' to their personal online banking account. 

Adding CWB Trust Services as a bill payee gives clients the ability to transfer cash from their personal bank account to their RRSP or TFSA as contribution or pay their annual trustee/transaction fees. 

Set-up in 3 easy steps

Simply follow the 3 steps below to contribute to your CWB Trust Services account and pay CWB Trust Services fees online. 

Please contact your banking institution for more details on how to add CWT as 'payee' to your online banking. 

  1. Sign into your banking institution's online banking system. 
  2. Navigate to the 'Add Payee' section. 
  3. Add "Canadian Western Trust" as a 'payee'

Please note, there will be two options: important

  1. 'CWT Canadian Western Trust Contribution' - add this option to contribute to an RRSP or TFSA account
  2. 'CWT Canadian Western Trust Fee Payment' - add this option to pay CWT's annual trustee/transaction fees

The 8 digit CWB Trust Services account number is required to add CWB Trust Services as a payee. This account number is found on CWB Trust Services statements and on Cweb

For account numbers with less than 8 digits, 0s need to be entered to the beginning of the account number to make the entry a total of 8 digits.  

Once received and processed by CWB Trust Services, the contribution or fee payment transaction will be visible on Cweb the next business day. 

Errors and corrections

If a contribution is made to an account that is unable to accept contributions (e.g. RRIF, Locked-In Account, Non-Registered Account, etc.), CWB Trust Services will remit the payment back to the payor via EFT. 

If any error is made in the process of adding CWB Trust Services as a payee or submitting a transaction to CWB Trust Services, the payor must contact CWB Trust Services to correct the error, not the banking institution. Errors may include:

  • Payee type was entered as 'CWT Canadian Western Trustee Fee Payment' rather than 'CWT Canadian Western Trust Contribution'
  • The wrong account number was entered
  • The incorrect account was entered 
Fee schedule
Online contribution and fee payments are available. Please refer to the fee payments section above. 
Interest rate schedule
 Interest paid on Custody accounts  0% 
 Interest paid on cash balance in individual Self-Directed registered accounts 0% 
 Interest paid on cash balance in individual Self-Directed non-registered accounts 0.25% 
 Overdraft interest charged 1% per month 

Please note: 

  • Interest is calculated on the daily closing balance at the applicable rate tier and paid on the last day of the month.
  • Interest rates and rate tiers are subject to change without notice. Interest is paid in the currency of the account.
  • Interest rates may differ based on the negotiated arrangement for your particular account.

Last updated January 15, 2022.

Non-financial updates
Pre-authorized debit agreement
Transfer forms